Wednesday 27 April 2011



1 The idea is that the idol worshippers settled in their places ‘always’ and did not have to move about. Whereas Abraham had to go the whole land of canaan to preach about hashem. The same Eisov lives happily in Seir but yaakov had to go to Egypt to make the Egyptians realise there is a G-d.

2 In Egypt there was the blood of the pesach which was for emuna against the idols. This was for Abraham. And also the blood of mila which refers to tuma. And the idea of ‘blood’ is that a person has to be moser nefesh for both ‘kfira and tuma’.

3 Pilpul. There are different reasons for galus mitsraim. It could be because of the sin of adam horishon or because Abraham said how will I know.

He wants to prove that it was because of Adam harishon, and since he had seventy nations, seventy people had to go to Egypt and that is when the galus started. Maybe it started from Yitschak and the reason is because of Abraham. And the galus was in canaan where yitschak lived since it was a land that was not his. On that the hagada says it cant be, because it says that I led Abraham meaning he made a kinyan chazaka on it so it was his. Maybe one can say that a kinyan chazaka does not help only after matan torah. On that it says I gave him a present yitschak that means Abraham could not have children on his mazal and only because Jewish people don’t have mazal could he have children so that proves he is considered Jewish even before matan torah. Another proof that it was not because of Abraham is because why did I give Eisov one of his grandchildren har Seir as an inheritance that proves he is considered his child and only yaakov went to Egypt. That proves it was because of Adam horishon and Abraham.

4 There were seventy nations. Each with its sar above. Abraham was unable to have children bteva and had no sar above. He was given the land of Israel which also has no sar above. After he was thrown in ur kasdim he became like a new brioh. That is why it says terach died. Meaning he was not his son anymore. And I took him the whole of the land of canaan to be ‘kone’ the land. I gave him childen meaning through hagar and ketura since they could have children normally. But I ‘gave’ him yitschak since sara could not have children. I ‘gave’ yitschak since he and rivka could not have children. I gave eisov har seir, meaning I had to give him from someone else since he also had no sar above. But yaakov and his sons couldn’t be given the land of canaan yet since they had not yet sinned ‘enough’ so they went in the meantime to Egypt.

5 Adam Harishon lived 930 years and did the three cardinal sins. The avot lived for 502 years and needed another 430 odd years for which they had to be slaves to be ‘mechaper’ on him,.

Abraham was mesaken idol worship but his son Ishmael still worshipped them. Isaac was mesaken murder when he put his neck out but he still had a son eisov. Yaakov was mesaken arayos but he sill married two sisters. So the yidden had to go to Egypt to finish off the tikun. Hard work for avoda zoro. Affliction for arayot because that is what the hagada says later on they afflicted us. And galus for killing which is usually for killing by mistake. Now the blood of the pesach was for idol worship, the blood of the mila for bloodshed and arayot.


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