Wednesday, 27 April 2011

ho lachmo

Ho lachmo
1 Why do we suddenly change to Hebrew. They spoke Aramaic then and the child will think what is wrong with living here. He sees such a nice seder table full of silver etc. Therefore we say it in Hebrew since the child cannot understand it.
2 We start off ho lachmo anyo and then invite everyone. The rambam said this was said in times of galus. Because in the time of the beth hamikdash they had kol tuv and one could not prepare for everyone whereas just lechem isn’t much and one can provide for all.
3 This is the bread of affliction anyone hungry should come and eat. A person who is starving everything tastes good even this bread.
4 There are four types of poor and afflicted people that is why the letter dalet is the fourth. One who has ‘nothing’ and on that we say anyone hungry should come and eat. One who hasn’t got ‘enough’ on that we say anyone needy should come and eat the pesah. One who is travelling ‘innue haderech’. On that we say next year in yerusholaim. One who is a slave and on that we say next year a free man.
The korbon toda is also brought for these four people. For an ill person who cannot eat but is still hungry. One who has travelled in the desert. One who has been in prison. One on a ship who is similar to one who hasn’t enough since his mind is not settled.
5 The gemoro gives four reasons for matsa being called lechem oini. One says a lot of words on it. A poor person bakes it. A poor person has a broken bit. And also one mustn’t use a ‘rich’ matsa made with more than water.
There are four differences between a rich and poor man. In the ‘article’ the poor use water the rich oil etc. In the ‘shape’ the poor is broken. The way its ‘made’ the poor person’s wife makes it and he bakes it. And in the ‘outcome’. The poor person says his tsoros while he eat it and the rich talk about the riches.
6 We eat the top whole matsa a zecher for redemption and the broken one a zecher for galus. We also eat to zeisim of afikomon for the same reason. So we say this lachmo anyo anyone who is hungry should come and eat at the beginning and also at the end when we eat the pesach.
7 This is the bread ‘of the’ poor people. And why were they ‘all’ poor because they ate the bread of the mitsrim. Therefore we say instead all hungry people come to us the yidden and we will provide for you. Then we will merit that next year we will all be in yerusholaim and rich and not servant but free men.
8 The rambam has the nusach ‘bivhilu’. In haste they went out of Egypt. Even though they ate from the Egyptians. But in the future it says it wont be in haste therefore we have to make sure we are the ones who give charity and not the state.
9 We are eating the lachmo anyo. The same as our forefathers ate in Egypt without mitsvot ‘chinom’. They also didn’t give charity until they left. And that is why we are still in galus. Therefore invite all and offer charity and with that zchus we will be redeemed.
10 We are eating lacho anyo like our forefathers the shevotim from Egypt. Meaning we are taking the minimum necessary to be able to live. And with that zchus we shall become rich and be able to invite others as well to partake and bring moshiah.
11 Why do we eat lachno anya tonight. To remember that the Egyptians didn’t believe in charity and we learnt it from them that everyone has to remain poor. But now we invite everyone and therefore moshiach can come.
12 It says in eicho. ‘golso yehuda moni’ Because they didn’t keep lechem ooini, and didn’t feed poor people. So we say we have here lechem oini and we do invite and feed poor people so moshiach can now come.
13 We invite poor people and the child asks ma nishtana. Why is this night different from all the others when you never let anyone in. .
14 Why we mention moshiach here. At rosh hashono we make simanim and eat good things for a happy new year. Pesah is also one of the new years for produce so why do we eat matsa (not the best food). On that we say, since we are commanded by hashem to eat it on pesach, we trust we will still have a good year and moshiach will come.
15 Next year in Israel. The world is 6000 sq parso. Israel is 400. 1/225 ‘derech’ plus one. ‘vyosem lderech pomov’. Israel will expand over the whole world so next year even if we stay here we will be there.
16 Ho lachmo. The same as the woman prepares the matza and the poor man bakes it and finishes it. So with tsdoko, the rich man gives it but the poor man by taking it ‘finishes’ the mitsva.
17 We tell the poor man that although we have invited him this year (because he is poor) we intend to invite him next year again in Israel. But not because we want him to be poor next year but because the korban has to be eaten in a group. So we tell him also next year you will be free (and rich)
18 Although normaly the poor man stands outside like in the first mishna of shabbos tonight we invite him in. Because the korban pesach must no be taken outside. Although we don’t have it now we say that we hope next year moshiach will come and we will have it so we are doing the same now.
19 Why we mention moshiah.

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