Tam ma hu omer
He asks what is this? This question could mean anything. The way to learn is find out from the answer what the question was.
Here are a few suggestions.
1 He asks what is this. This 'zos' is a feminine form. Why this form. The answer because of 'one' strong hand. So the 'job' wasnt finished until moshiah comes where it will be 'connu yodecho' both hands.
2 iyov was also called tam not just Jakob. This refers to him. Why do I get such punishments. The answer because the satan had a strong hand meaning a strong reason they should not go out since they also did idol worship, so hashem gave him iyov to deal with instead.
3 The gemoro says that the yidden will say that hashem has sold us and if a person sells a slave can the old master have a claim. On that we answer 'mbeis avodim' that pharaoh was also a slave on hashem and therefore his master as well.
4 Similar. How can hashem just take us away from a master. On that we answer 'mbeis avodim' pharaoh was a son of cham who was cursed as a slave and has no right to be a master.
5 Why did hashem have to take us out and not an angel. On that we answer 'mbeis avodim' we were servants to the idols to the 49th degree and the angel couldnt come anymore.
6 Why is the yetser hora so strong over us and daily gets more. The answer 'bchozek yad' the stronger he is the more likely 'hotsionu' we will be taken out.
7 Why were we taken out early. The answer 'mbeis avodim'. The yidden did double the work. They were only supposed to work for pharaoh but worked for the Egyptians as well.
8 Why are we still in galus since we are doing all the mitsvot of the night like they did in Egypt. On that the answer 'bchozek yad'. In Egypt it was good enough because hashem took us out with a strong hand meaning although we didnt really deserve it but today we have to do more for the geula shlaimo.
9 Similar to one why the feminine form. On that we answer 'bchozek yad'. We didnt deserve it on through the strong hand of hashem were we taken out. And by lot it said dont look back and his wife did and became a pillar of salt. If its not in your own zchus one mustnt look. Here also they were not allowed out of the house till morning.
10 'zos' refers to the leviim which the posuk says 'zos asher lalveiim'. Why do they have to do pesach they were not slaves. The answer, they were also in Egypt with the 49th degree of tuma and needed a strong hand to take them out and also even though they werent slaves could not leave Egypt.
11 Why do we only commemerate Egypt, just 'this' and not the other golus. The answer because this is the only one were we were released from bondage. Pharaoh is no more whereas we are still servants of ahchashverosh.
12 Why do commemorate this. We were promised in advance that we would be taken out. The answer that sometimes the sin is 'gorem' that promises are not kept. 'bchozek yad' it needed a strong hand from hashem because we were so low at the 49th degree.
13 Why is korbon pesach a year old and not more. Because 'bchozek yad' refers to what hashem did to their idols which were the lambs of a year old.
14 Why are we more concerned and work harder at the mitsvas of pesach than any other mistvot. The answer because of 'bchozek yad' hashem also had to work harder to get us out.
15 What is so special that hashen could kill the mitsrim is it so difficult for him. The answer it needed 'bchozek yad' of mercy since the 'kitrug' was very great.
16 Why is everything double. Like in the ma nishtana two signs of slavery and two of redemption. The answer because we were taken out of 'mitraim' meaning the 'sar' of Egypt and the house of slavery. There were two things to contend with.
17 How could hashem take us out without hearing the 'other side'. The answer 'bchozek yad'. He had no choice. The law is that if your article will be damaged you dont have to go to beis din and 'ovid dina lnafshei'. Here as well it needed a strong hand because one more second they would have reached the 50th degree and it would have been too late.
18 Why do we have a double sign for slavery. The maror and charoset. The answer 'bchozek yad' meaning that it was before the time and needed a special 'strong hand'. And the reason because of 'kushi hashibud'. So we need another sign for that as well.
19 The question of the tam is mentioned in the parsha of kadesh. He asks why are even firstborns of donkeys 'holy'. On that the answer the strong hand which is because of the 'kushi hashibud'. And even Jewish people who did avoda zoro who are compared to asses worked hard so we remember them as well.
20 Why cant we now live off state grants, why must we bother to work. The answer remember what happened in Egypt. They also started of with 'pe rach' but in the end it turned out to 'chozek yad' of pharaoh. That means pharaoh's hand was so strong against us that it was impossible to get away and it needed hashem to take us out. One shouldnt think they will always feed us for nothing.
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