Wednesday, 27 April 2011

tsai ulmad

Tsai ulmad

1 It starts from yaakov because he in choron was like the yidden in mitsraim in many ways. Because ovos are a siman to their children. They got ten plagues and his wages were changed ten times. Yaakov had to run away and so did the Jews from Egypt. Laban reached him on the seventh and so did pharaoh reach the yidden on the seventh. They emptied out Egypt and he emptied out Laban.
2 Because of Laban tried to kill my father he went to Egypt? The pshat is he might think he was the cause since by giving Leah first and yaakov liking yossef best and giving him the bechora that caused strife among the brothers and caused them to go to Egypt. On that the hagada says that wasn’t the cause of them going to Egypt but hashem ‘forced’ it. And if not for yosef being there he would have had to go with iron chains, so Laban was the cause of him going down in honor and not the cause of him going down.
3 Go and learn. Meaning if you have a question. That since Laban was ‘worse’ why don’t we commemorate that at all. On that the answer is go and learn elsewhere about it not in the hagada that that was impossible and couldn’t happen. The Jewish people will always be, whereas pharaoh who only wanted to kill the males that could happen since he intended to marry the females to the Egyptians and their children would still be Jewish. So we have to thank hashem that it didn’t happen.
4 Compelled by the word. Meaning the words of yakov that he wants to live in peace. As soon as he said that he was troubled with yosef. So now he only wanted to live like a ger and not as a citizen in peace so that he should not be troubled again.
5 Pharaoh was only on the males whereas Laban wanted to destroy the lot even the females. It is known that there mitsvot which one has to do which only males have to and mitsvot what you must not do which apply even to females. Pharaoh refers to the yetser hora who wanted to stop then ‘doing’ the mitsvot and that is only the males. Laben meaning white the ‘ramai’ intends them to do the aveiros by saying they are white like mitsvot and doing aveiros even females are not allowed to do.
6 Why did pharaoh only decree on the males. It says there were three advisors for pharaoh. Each has something against the yidden. Jethro came from midian from ketura and Abraham gave everything to yitschak. Bilaam from laban and yaakov took the lot. Iyov from dina who got nothing because she was a daughter. Yisro ran away so they were left with Bilaam and Iyov. Iyov’s complaint was only againt the males who gave nothing to their sister so although Bilaam’s was against all of them they only agreed against the males.
7 It says that the hunger was only in canaan and not in Egypt or Aram. So yaakov had a choice of these two and preferred Egypt because ‘arami’ tried to ‘oved’ meaning induce him to idol worship he rather went to Egypt.
8 The posuk says they lived there with few people and became a huge nation. Meaning the ‘ger yiye zaracho’ started then and should have been 400 years of hard labor but because you became a huge people and many more workers it was halved.
9 One can say that yaakov like yitschok should not have gone to Egypt. And the galut need only have started with his children. But because of ‘arami’ what he did in chron (perhaps stayed too long there) he also had to go to Egypt.
10 One must understand as we go along what the posuk it brings from shemos is telling us more than we read from the posuk in devarim. Because maybe it was pharaoh who only intended they should not settle. Therefore it brings the posuk that they said it to pharaoh.
11 ‘arami’ my father destroyed him meaning yaakov destroyed Laban by taking out all the holy sparks and with that he could afterwards go to Egypt without being damaged.
12 The hagada means to say there were two reasons why they went to Egypt. One they were forced because of the ‘dibur’ of hashem to Abraham. And also to become a nation.