Wednesday, 27 April 2011


6Rosho what does he say.

1 The rosho is taking himself out of the klal and trying to get other to follow him this is termed a rosho l’hachis. He asks why must we do this ‘work’ there were many r’shoim who left Egypt without it like Micha. We reply they were still part of the klal only rosho lteavon, but you a rosho lhachis have left the klal and you would not have been redeemed.
2 The rosho is saying to his father you wasn’t in Egypt so why do you need this work. The answer is that on a ‘nes’ of the klal we all have to commemorate. If you think everyone was an individual in Egypt and therefore its not binding on us then if you would have been there you would not have been redeemed as an individual.
3 We say to the rosho, that if a rosho is part of the klal that would stop the whole klal being redeemed. But since you are not part of the klal only you would not be redeemed and you would not have disturbed us.
4 The rosho is someone who does not believe in hashem but in idols. We say to him, although hashem does not punish for thoughts alone unless you serve the idol, but once you have such thoughts you will not be saved. Therefore you would have died in Egypt with the others and not be redeemed even though you have not served them.
5 The gemoro says that an illness can be in the surroundings of a big tsadik from which he will be saved but not from a smaller tsadik. In Egypt there were no great tsadikim so hashem had to ‘jump’ to make sure the ‘illness’ never reached their houses. Therefore since there were no big tsadikim in Egypt, you a big rosho would have no one there to save you and you would not be redeemed.
6 The ran says that for the tsadikim it wasn’t necessary to ‘jump’ over the houses to save them since they had done nothing wrong, it was only to save the wicked. The rosho asks why are you doing this work the korbon pesach we answer, that really you are the one who is supposed to be doing it, since if hashem wouldn’t have ‘jumped’ you would not have been saved but killed instead.
7 The rosho is saying why should we do the avoda because we were saved. It would have been better if we would not have been in Egypt at all and not worked. But really the work was for out good to cleanse us from our sins. On that we answer him if the work would not have been done the ‘kushi hashibud’ we would not have got out.
8 We answer him if youre not part of the klal you would not have been saved. Because the whole geula only comes with achdus and therefore we eat the korbon pesach b’chabura. But we finish off hashem made for ‘me’ meaning when the geula comes for the klal we each have our own separate geula as well.
9 We finish if he would have been in Egypt he would not have been redeemed. But now that we have the Torah even a rosho can still do tshuva.
10 The rosho asks how is it possible to be an oved hashem through ‘eating’. On that we answer him if you don’t believe that you don’t need teeth!
11 The rosho says only you need this work I am above it and don’t need it anymore. We answer someone who is vain is a kofer b’ekar. And baavur ze meaning like the matsa which is a broken piece iour heart was broken, hashem took us out of Egypt.
12 The rosho is saying how can you do this work the korbon pesach someone who has a son a rosho like me shouldn’t be doing it. So therefore your forefather in Egypt never did it. He must have also been a rosho since we are all part of our parents. So we reply if that was the case he wouldn’t have been saved. And therefore you cant be the rosho you think you are.
13 The gemoro says that the whole world lives off R Chanina ben Dosa. The rosho is saying he doesn’t believe he lives off the tsadik and all the avoda he does is for himself not for others. On that we say that is called being a kofer. And hashem did it for me, the tsadik and the rest were also included because of him. And if you don’t want to believe that you would not have been saved.
14 The rosho says I cant eat the korbon pesach since I am a ben naichor but so cant you since you never were working in Egypt. We reply we were in Egypt like it says we have to imagine we were there and working there. Therefore with our ‘imagination’ we can eat it but you even if you imagine you were there cant. Since you would not have been saved.
15 The rosho says I don’t consider this avoda at all just eating! On that we reply that in Egypt we put the blood on the doorpost as a sign. For you it would have been a sign of death and you would not have been saved but for us it is a sign of a korbon and we were saved.
16 baavur ze. Meaning the rest of the matsa and maror which they took on their shoulders as they left Egypt. This was a shmira like mezuzah for them. Hashem made for me meaning he sheltered me as we left Egypt.
17 To the one who cant ask. We say this posuk meaning because we were like you, unable to talk only to cry and sigh, hashen took us out of Egypt.

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